Biyernes, Disyembre 7, 2012

Who is more persistent: the inferior or the fortunate?

by : Samuel Babiano

         Wealth is defined as the riches that the poor wants to have and the rich don’t want to lose. It is the means of suppressing poverty and surviving the austerity of the world. It can run a realm and abundantly quench the thirst of people’s needs and wants. That’s how powerful wealth is. But to attain these things, require total effort. It definitely needs patience, perseverance and hard work to own it. But who among has the persistency to obtain these: the inferior or the fortunate?
        Customarily, the source of living of the poor requires much strength and long term work to-do. With all that determination, of course they will get earnings; but unfortunately, not congruent to the effort exerted. And that gives them the indication that beyond their utmost potency, it still not suffices all their needs. That is why, we can’t change the idea, which they settle for a job, at least can bequeath them a wage just enough to eat three times a day. And that’s how poor lives.
        On the contrary, privileged individuals have a vast cause of income. They will not settle for less and petrified to mislay there assets. They are wise enough in preserving and gaining their profits. It is already an initiative to them to uphold such condition because they are afraid to become meager. That’s why; they are more determined to strive harder. They are more persistent to exist as prosperous ones.
        Afar from talking their subsistence about their status, it is still everyone’s reliance on their dream whether they continue or elude what they really want to be and what they wish to have. If there are million reasons, there are also million ways to experience success. But again, it’s how a particular person’s perception and satisfaction about their living.

        I as opining author, is just elucidating such subject base on what really our present and mostly laypeople sort out. We are responsible in every aspect the world undergoes. We are part of everything. We innately have the rights to be informed about issues that give us awareness. And that what makes us important individuals even if you’re RICH or POOR. 

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