Linggo, Nobyembre 25, 2012

stand by youth

by: Eloisa Faith Alamban

            Millenniums have felt. Centuries have passed, Decades, years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds and blinks of eyes have witnessed. Yet, we’re still diving into the pool of social illnesses. The problems of yesterday are still the same as today.
           As a student, I can’t even pierce right away the thoughts that I have in my mind as a result; various queries are still enduring in the oblivious brainpower of mine. Some of these questions are for the elders who taught us good manners and humiliated us youth of being irresponsible yet they can’t even follow what they want us to do. Sarcastic indeed, that even elders are not called responsible by the way they have shown us what they've got. I pity them for, until now, they can’t handle responsibilities in greater scope. They’re deaf on their own.
            They are nonsense in some sensible senses. Why? Because they’re opening issues which are nothing but a brain tumor and neglecting the news which paralyzes our body that even the tip of our pinky fingers can’t escape. I want the youth to be ready for this biggest question, “Are you ready to pull the triggers of the guns of your promises?”
           Youth, since the elders were ones like us and we will be the elders of tomorrow, I want everyone to be responsive and responsible; efficient and effective on our own little ways. Be active, for the future of the world is in our hands. Make difference, because we’re able and I know we can.
Before I end up this, I want to share one of the words from the “Nuggets of Truth”,
                                                    “Little strokes fell great oaks”.

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