Sabado, Nobyembre 24, 2012

The Real Man

by: Ellvan M. Campos

             We usually recognize an embodiment of a man if he has a firm and immense muscles, beard, if he's intimidating and unbeaten. That is why, most if all of the men follow this 'qualifications' because this is typically what we accept as a standard of being a concrete man. But how about those guys who engage and deal more in purposive whereabouts rather than drinking hard liquors and smoking cigarettes? Men who cook. Men who wash clothes. Men who accept his mistakes and men who pursue their promises. Can't we consider them as real men?

             If that so, what the community and the girls expect from men? Six pack of abs? A bundle of muscles? Or a frightening aura to shoo a hungry lion. Well, I don't think that's kind essential. A real man plays a vital role even it is not what men mostly do. He thinks nothing but the benefit of everyone and acts as responsible individual. He never hurt anyone just to add his masculinity and always loves to care everybody.

                After all, it's not about having a big biceps but it's about having a big heart - a kind  heart. In arrears of everything, there is no worthy action that can lessen machismo; perhaps, it adds satisfaction that behind royal appearance of a man, he can be a servant with respect and loyalty to humane. And that counts of a REAL MAN.

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